In this page we have included a summary of the meteorological and atmospheric conditions at Chajnantor
for the period June 1998 until December 1999. Here, you will find several plots showing the statitistics
of weather parameters data, and for precipitable water vapour computed out of data gathered with two
183 GHz radiometers.
Draft version of these plots and figures are available by now, we are working to improve them.
Summary 1998-1999
Air Temperature Quartiles, PostScript Version ( 22 kBytes)
Air Temperature Colormap Version 1
Air Temperature Colormap Version 2
Air Temperature Colormap, PostScript Version (1.3MBytes)
Sun Radiation Colormap Version 1
Sun Radiation Colormap Version 2
Sun Radiation Colormap, PostScript Version (0.8 Mbytes)
Relative Humidity Quartiles, PostScript Version (16 kBytes)
Relative Humidity Colormap
Sun Radiation Colormap, PostScript Version (1.3 MBytes)
Wind Speed Histogram/Cumulative function
Wind Speed Histograms for nightime and daytime data
Wind Speed Quartiles (daytime), PostScript Version (16 kBytes)
Wind Speed Quartiles (nightime), PostScript Version (16 kBytes)
Wind Speed Colormap (all data)
Wind Speed Colormap, PostScript Version (1.3 Mbytes)
Wind Direction Histogram (daytime)
Wind Direction Histogram (nightime)
Wind Direction Histogram (all data)
Wind Speed, sampling 1 Hz, 1999, Monthly Histograms (19 kBytes)
Wind Speed, 1999 Histogram, sampling 1 Hz (JPG Version)
Wind Speed, 1999 Histogram, sampling 1 Hz (PostScript version, 8 kBytes)
Wind Speed, sampling 1 Hz, 1999, Maximum and Mean Speeds (19 kBytes)
PWV Quartiles (west radiometer), PostScript Version (19 kBytes)
PWV Colormap ( 0-10 mm)
PWV Colormap ( 0-10 mm), PostScript Version (2.3 Mbytes)
PWV Colormap ( 0-5 mm)
PWV Colormap ( 0-5 mm), PostScript Version (2.5 MBytes)
PWV Colormap ( 0-1 mm)
PWV Colormap ( 0-1 mm), PostScript Version (2.5 Mbytes)