Atacama Large Millimeter Array
183 GHz Radiometer |
To measure the precipitable water vapour, Onsala Space Observatory and the The Cavendish Astrophysics Group at the University of Cambridge had designed and built two 183 GHz radiometers . These radiometers measure the brightness temperature in three bands close to the 183 GHz water line. These bands are: 1.2 GHz, 4.1 GHz and 7.6 GHz away from the water line centre. During data reduction we iterate on the water vapour density in the radiative transfer equation to obtain the amount of precipitable water vapour producing the sky brightness temperature measured by the 183 GHz radiometer.
The radiometers are located at the ends of the 300 m baseline
of the site testing interferometers available in Chajnantor.
The idea of installing radiometers at the ends of the interferometer baseline
is to compare the radiometric phase correction versus the interferometric phase
correction methods.
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Victor Belitsky and Denis Urbain, from the Group for Advance Receiver Development (OSO) , have prepared a webpage with a technical description of the 183 GHz radiometers.
Month |
PWV EAST Radiometer |
West raw data |
East raw data |
January 2002 |
February 2002 |
March 2002 |
April 2002 |
May 2002 |
June 2002 |
July 2002 |
August 2002 |
September 2002 |
October 2002 | |||
November 2002 | |||
December 2002 |
Month |
PWV EAST Radiometer |
West raw data |
East raw data |
January 2001 |
February 2001 |
March 2001 |
April 2001 |
May 2001 |
June 2001 |
July 2001 |
August 2001 |
September 2001 |
October 2001 | |||
November 2001 | |||
December 2001 |
Month |
PWV EAST Radiometer |
West raw data |
East raw data |
May 2000 |
June 2000 |
July 2000 |
August 2000 |
September 2000 |
October 2000 |
November 2000 |
December 2000 |
Month |
PWV WEST Radiometer |
PWV EAST Radiometer |
West raw data |
East raw data |
March 1999 |
April 1999 |
May 1999 |
June 1999 |
July 1999 |
August 1999 |
September 1999 |
October 1999 |
November 1999 |
Month |
PWV WEST Radiometer |
West raw data |
September 98 |
October 98 |
November 98 |
December(14-29) 98 |
January 99 |
February(1-12) 99 |
1. Transmissivity plots have been generated using the median of PWV and surface temperature at the Chajnantor site for each month. These plots were generated by Bryan Butler at NRAO, thank you Bryan for your collaboration!
2. Due to technical problems, there is no data for the period December 1-13, 1998.
3. Due to technical problems, there is no data for the period February 13-28, 1999.
4. Starting in March 1999 there is data available from the two 183 GHz radiometers.